This is my review of Proden PlaqueOff for Dogs and Cats. Just like us humans cats and dogs need to keep their teeth free of plaque build up. I've read that over 80% of dogs show signs of gum disease by the time they are three years old and the number is also very high for cats. Lately this got more attention as Plaque Attack spray came out and was heavily advertised as a way to keep your pet's teeth free from plaque. I've had enough pets over the years to know that trying to scrape their teeth clean or spay something on their teeth can be a very trying event. I had one cat that hid for weeks from me after I tried to clean its teeth using a toothbrush designed for cats. By accident I came across Proden PlaqueOff for Dogs and Cats on Amazon and saw there were many positive reviews for the product so I decided to give it a shot.
Proden PlaqueOff was originally designed for humans by a company in Sweden. It was later found to work well for pets also and now the product is heavily promoted towards pet owners. I decided to give it a try because one of my dogs really didn't like anyone messing with his mouth and it was expensive to have the vet clean his teeth. Not only is it expensive but I don't like having my dog put under a general anesthesia. With Proden Plaqueoff you simply sprinkle it on your pet’s food, so no trying to get your dog or cat to stand still while you spray something in their mouth or brush their teeth.
After I received the Proden PlaqueOff I sprinkled it on the food of one picky dog and waited. He sniffed around the food for a minute and then walked away without taking a bite. I was disappointed but wasn't ready to give a bad Proden PlaqueOff review just yet. I went out for awhile and came back to discover the food dish was empty. So when the next feeding with Proden sprinkled in came I watched as my picky little dog went to his dished and sniffed again for a minute. This time however he did not walk away, instead he ate it up. After that he ate his food every time without any major drama.
After a week I thought I saw a noticeable improvement in my dog's teeth but I convinced myself it was all in my head. After a month however I was convinced that Proden PlaqueOff works! His teeth are very white and clean and his "dog breath" has even improved. I am very impressed with how things have gone since I've started using this product. So after two months of use my Proden PlaqueOff review is simply - go get it! The cost of the product is made up in the savings from getting your pet's teeth cleaned professionally.
Please be aware that the product states that animals undergoing hyperthyroidism treatment cannot use this product.
Read more Proden PlaqueOff reviews at Amazon
which is also where I found the lowest price for this product.
which is also where I found the lowest price for this product.
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